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Topic: tech insights

How Tangent Solutions Used RPA and AI to Speed up COVID-19 X-Ray Screening

Glen Ansell outlines Tangent Solution's approach to speeding up COVID-19 x-ray screening using AI and RPA. Here's what they learned, and how they did it.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How DAN.com Uses the DAN React Pattern for Faster, Easier Development

DAN.com created their own React pattern, which has helped them streamline their software development. Christian Vogel, Product Engineer, shares how and why.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Boxfusion’s MVP Approach for Fast Implementation of Mass COVID-19 Screening

Boxfusion helped the Gauteng Health Dept. systematise mass COVID-19 screenings with tight deadlines and novel problems. Here's how, using an MVP approach.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How Aerobotics Uses Risk Analysis to Prepare for Crises

Responding to crisis is easier to do when you’ve already planned for it. Amber Freeman, Aerobotics Legal Manager, explains how they use risk analysis to do that.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How Prioritising Tasks Helped Toasty Go Fully Online in 4 Weeks

Toasty moved their entire platform online within four weeks. Kevon Cheung, CEO and co-founder shares how they maximised prioritisation to do that.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How EXAH Uses Systems Theory to Develop Integrated Tech Solutions

Some technical problems can’t be solved by software alone; they are systemic. Lochner Eksteen, MD at EXAH, explains how Systems Theory builds better tech.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

4 Lessons Wonga Learned About Rewriting Their System with New Tech

Brandon Pearman and his team at Wonga had to overhaul their system, and write it to new tech. In this article, he shares the lessons they've learned.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

6-Step Process for Optimal Planning in Agile Teams

Herman Swart, Custom Project Development Manager at Tangent Solutions, thinks that rigorous planning is critical, even in Agile. This is his team's 6-step process.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Jacques Chester, VMware: Using Knative to Reclaim Cognitive Bandwidth

Jacques Chester outlines how Knative removes the complexities in serverless computing, and how that enables developers to work faster.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

How to Ace Your Next Coding Interview

Preparing for your first coding interview can be hard with so much to think about. Michael shares a few tips he's picked up to blow your interviewers away!

by Michael White

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