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Topic: tech insights

MERGE Presentation: Jeremy Edberg on Building Scalable Systems from Startups to Enterprises

In this talk, Jeremy Edberg unpacks some actionable ideas implementing a well-architected distributed system with the right monitoring.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: tech insights

Jeremy Edberg, MinOps: Lessons in Automating Netflix’s Alert System

During his time at Netflix, Jeremy Edberg set up an automated alert system to notify engineers of site outages. He discusses its features and its impacts.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

MERGE Presentation: Paul Mesarcik on How Lumkani Builds Tech that Drives Social Impact

At MERGE conference, Paul Mesarcik, Lumkani, discusses the challenges involved in growing a hardware focused startup creating social impact in South Africa.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: tech insights

Brendan Ardagh, DigsConnect: Using Cloud Native to Reduce Complexity

DigsConnect CTO, Brendan Ardagh, says cloud-native helped his team develop faster, cheaper, more securely, with more autonomy, and a better user experience.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Sedan to Supercar – Test Always! (Part 3)

Regularly testing your software is the key to ultimate performance. Here, Craig shares some tips on how you can best do this to always get the best results!

by Craig Risi

Topic: tech insights

When and Why Setting Up Shared Services is Effective

Shared services might be a hot topic, but ROAM's Dylan Harbour spoke to us about when it's useful, and what he’s learned about its benefits for his team.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

What I Learned About Functional Programming in JavaScript

At first glance, functional programming seems hard to learn and redundant. However, it's helped me write better, cleaner code. This article shows you how.

by Alpha Shuro

Topic: tech insights

How to Effectively Scope a Project Before Touching Any Code

Properly scoping a project before touching any code can mean for much faster development. Sizwe Ndlovu, Head of DevOps at Pineapple, follows these steps.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Sedan to Supercar – Code Optimisation (Part 2)

Once you've got a solid architecture, you'll want to work on optimising your code. Craig shares some tips on what to do to make your code run super fast!

by Craig Risi

Topic: tech insights

How Figuring Out the Django ORM Powered Up My Workflow

The Django ORM is a powerful tool but understanding how to use it properly can be hard. Here's how figuring it out helped Jethro speed up his workflow.

by Jethro Muller

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