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Roles supported on OfferZen
Software engineer
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Engineering Lead
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Why choose OfferZen for your next software engineering job search?

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Meet your future team from day one
Teams at vetted tech companies reach out to connect with you directly. There are no middlemen and you're in complete control of your job search at every step.
Upfront role and salary information
Every job listing includes upfront role, tech stack, perk, and salary info. This way, you can choose opportunities that resonate with you from the get-go.
Discover opportunities that tick all your boxes
From startups to giants, companies hiring on OfferZen cover a range of industries, sizes, and remote setups across Europe and Africa.
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‍Discover remote software engineer jobs across Europe and Africa

Want to work remotely or relocate for an international opportunity? Meet our partners. They help hiring companies handle international payroll, compliance, and onboarding. Starting your next remote job will be a breeze.
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Employers of record, international payroll, compliance and relocation
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Automated onboarding, international payroll and compliance
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International payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance
International payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance
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International relocation, onboarding and employee retention

We've helped software engineers find jobs they love since 2016

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Damian Buys
Senior Backend Golang Developer
When it was time for me to seek new employment, I didn't bother using any platform other than OfferZen – and I had two prospects within 24 hours.
Cath Prinsloo photo
Cath Prinsloo
Senior Software Developer
Through OfferZen I could find a company whose mission I truly wanted to get behind. I started my new job with confidence and peace of mind.
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Melo Mtombeni
Junior Data Engineer
The companies on OfferZen are some of the best you can find nationally and internationally.
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Pandalf the Purple
Middle-End Developer
With the One Ring cast into the flames of Mount Doom and destroyed, I couldn't bear the idea of another job search. Luckily, OfferZen helped me find a job that saw the magic in me.
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