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The fastest way to
hire developers in South Africa

The fastest way to hire developers in South Africa

1000+ candidates
100% job-seeking
Curated for skill
30 days to hire
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838 tech professionals ready for their next career move

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Trusted by 2000+ companies to hire developers

Trusted by 2000+ companies to hire developers

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How OfferZen works

Learn more about finding developers on South Africa's largest tech talent marketplace.

Number 1
Tell us what you’re hiring for

Post a job that outlines skills, experience and salary.

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Review candidate matches

Choose from the pre-verified talent who have either applied to your job openings or have been intelligently matched to your open positions.

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Connect and hire

Personally reach out to your favourite candidates and secure hires – all within 30 days

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What makes OfferZen different?

Happy Dinocorn with sparkles
High quality job-seeking talent
Every Monday, 200+ new developers join the marketplace curated by our team for skill and intent to change jobs.
Talent you won't see elsewhere
Fill even the hardest-to-fill roles with access to 1000+ diverse candidates across software, data, and product roles.
Sourcing powered by AI
Save time sourcing with recommended matches powered by AI straight to your inbox.
Expert tech hiring guidance
Your Account Manager is ready to share tech hiring expertise on everything from tech employer branding to salary benchmarking.

Pricing plans that work at any scale

Our plans are designed for all budgets and hiring needs. Choose to pay-per-hire or make unlimited hires for a fixed annual or monthly cost and save up to 50% as you scale your team.


12.5% success fee
Free access to OfferZen, only pay when you successfully hire with a 3 month refund guarantee.
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What's included:
✅ New candidates
✅ Candidate recommendations
✅ Dedicated Account Manager
✅ Hiring analytics
Best for making 4+ hires

Unlimited hires

Custom fee based on hiring needs
Once off fee to make unlimited hires within the year which can save you up to 50% on cost to hire.
Contact our team
Everything in pay-per-hire, plus:
✅ Unlimited hires
✅ Option to choose monthly billing
✅ ATS integration
✅ Premium employer profile
💬 Want to chat to our team instead? Email or call +27 84 644 0100

Our customers say it best

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"Great business with super people"

- Maruschka B, Executive Recruitment at BBD Europe
OfferZen makes hiring so much easier and love the support in making sure you make the best of your subscription.
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"Simplifying the Search for Top Tech Talent"

- Radia C, Human Resources Consultant at The DigiDesk
Offerzen simplifies the hunt for top tech talent. The platform provides user friendly features and a large pool of qualified candidates.
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"New Way of Recruiting Devs"

- Coster M, Senior Development Manager at Discovery
OfferZen makes my life easier. I can scroll through CVs based on my requirements and speak to the candidate directly.
Dinocorn with rainbow and sparklesStart hiring on OfferZen

Frequently asked questions

What makes OfferZen different?
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What happens after I sign up to OfferZen as an employer?
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How much does it cost to hire developers on OfferZen?
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How to hire a developer

Actionable steps to get started.
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Finding and interviewing developers
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Making an offer to developers
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Onboarding developers
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Hiring remote developers
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Hiring South African developers
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