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Topic: tech insights

Bootstrap: The Good, The Bad and The ‘It Depends’

Bootstrap is used in laying the foundation for a lot of projects. Here, Lourens explains where it works well and where using something else might be better.

by Lourens de Villiers

Topic: tech insights

How UX has Evolved My Everyday Thinking

Here's what I've learnt about UX processes and how I've used them to evolve my mindset in a way that helps me improve other aspects of my life and job.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: tech insights

We Need a Standard! Developing UI Design Patterns and Best Practices

David has seen that there is no real standard that exists for UI developers to follow, and so, he has put together a basic guideline to help address this.

by David Purkiss

Topic: tech insights

How To Reduce Code Complexity

It's easier than we'd like to admit for code to get complex and difficult to keep up with. Brandon talks about what makes it complex and how to avoid this.

by Brandon Pearman

Topic: tech insights

Here's Why You Don't Need Blockchain

Blockchain is popular but a lot of people don't really understand how it works. Herman explains this and points out where using different systems is better.

by Herman Martinus

Topic: tech insights

Configuring “Effect”-ive Communication with Angular, ngRx and SocketIO

With Redux set up, you now need changes made by the outside world to be communicated to your frontend. This tutorial helps you configure that communication.

by Albert Janse van Rensburg

Topic: tech insights

Achieving Live Reloading Between React Apps and a Shared Library

Live reloading can make seeing changes across multiple React apps in shared libraries much easier. I cover my learnings in building this setup from scratch.

by Lunga Sizani

Topic: tech insights

How to Build Internal Tooling to Improve Your Team’s Shared Knowledge

Code changes, and it's hard to keep a team updated with your system. Here's how I built a tool that avoids the problems of a growing application.

by Stuart Corbishley

Topic: tech insights

How We Streamlined Our Processes Through Continuous Integration

Knowing for sure when code will be ready for release is hard. Naudé explains how his team overcame this difficulty by incorporating CI into their workflow.

by Naudé Cruywagen

Topic: tech insights

Dependency Injection – Simpler Than You Think?

Interfaces and containers can make Dependency Injection seem confusing. Here, Graham provides a step-by-step tutorial that shows how simple it can be.

by Graham Downs

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