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Topic: tech insights

How to Improve Internal Team Comms by Understanding What Information You're Missing

Marian Jarzak sees companies over-invest in public messaging, and under-invest in internal communications. He explains why that's bad, and how to improve.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How ASP.NET Zero Speeds Up Dev Time and Adds Immediate Value to Clients

Here's how ASP.NET Zero – an out-of-the-box solution – has helped Tyler's team at Kohde speed up standard dev processes so they can focus more on problem solving.

by Tyler Pieterse

Topic: tech insights

Syncing Transactions Into Sage One With Investec Programmable Banking

Here's another programmable banking solution for businesses! Imraan built a process to seamlessly sync transactions from his Investec account into Sage One.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

How King Automates HR Processes to Hire Tech Talent Faster

Agustin Bianchi shares how King is using tech and tools to automate and streamline his HR and hiring to speed up their time-to-hire.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Ross’ OpenAPI Python CLI

Every week, we run a meetup for the Investec Programmable Banking community. Here, Ross shares how he built a simple CLI interface to retrieve account data safely.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

2 Approaches to Fast and Effective Software Development from a CEO-and-Solo Dev

Jason Grishkoff is the CEO and only developer at Submit Hub. He shares his strategies for developing and releasing new features as a founder-solo dev combo.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Rendani’s Personal Budget App

Every week, we run a meetup for the Investec Programmable Banking community. Here, Rendani shares how he built a personal budgeting app with Flutter.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

Louw Hopley, Root – Innovating the SA Insurance Sector During COVID-19

We spoke to Louw Hopley, CEO of Root, about how South Africa's lockdown impacted insurance, and how Root is taking the opportunity to drive innovation.

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: tech insights

Open Banking: A Deep Dive with Willem Fisser, Investec

We spoke to Willem Fisser, Tech lead and Platform Owner at Investec, about what open banking is and why it's a much safer, transparent process. Find out more here.

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Jethro’s Shared Expenses App

Every week, we run a meetup for the Investec Programmable Banking community. Here, Jethro shares how he built a shared expenses app to make dividing costs easy.

by Ben Blaine

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