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Topic: salaries

Google Cloud Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior Google Cloud developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Google Cloud developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Telecommunications Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior telecommunications developers earn in South Africa. Find the average telecommunications developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

React Native Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior React Native developers earn in South Africa. Find the average React Native developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

The data is out: How to retain developers during a tech hiring slowdown

Backed by data from our recent reports on developer hiring trends, here are the four factors that make the biggest difference in whether developers stay in their roles or not.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: hiring tips and insights

5 Cost-effective strategies for hiring developers in EMEA

Hiring costs donโ€™t have to be a deterrent to finding high quality candidates. Here are top strategies for practical hiring in the EMEA market.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: salaries

Software Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior software developers earn in South Africa. Find the average software developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

AWS Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior AWS developers earn in South Africa. Find the average AWS developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Beyond the Diversity Tag: Top DE&I tips for tech hiring

Get key insights about the status of DEI in the tech industry, and the steps that companies can take to power up their efforts.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: salaries

FinTech Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior FinTech developers earn in South Africa. Find the average FinTech developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Consulting Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior consulting developers earn in South Africa. Find the average consulting developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

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