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Topic: hiring tips and insights

Top companies currently hiring developers in Berlin

Here’s a list of companies in Berlin with exciting missions that are hiring developers right now.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How OfferZen helped TROOP triple their tech team’s size

Here’s how OfferZen helped TROOP triple the size of their tech team and achieve a growth rate of over 300%.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: salaries

React Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior React developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average React developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

TypeScript Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior TypeScript developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average TypeScript developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Kotlin Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior Kotlin developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Kotlin developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

JavaScript Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior JavaScript developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average JavaScript developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Python Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior Python developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average Python developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to build a strong foundation to combat burnout in your development team

Burnout is pervasive in software development. Here are top technical practices, process improvements and cultural changes to prevent burnout for your dev team.

by Karin Bothma

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Top strategies to promote work-life balance and retain your developer talent

Workplace well-being is key to attract and retain top developer talent: Get practical tips for creating a healthy company culture.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: salaries

DevOps Engineer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior DevOps engineers earn in South Africa. Find the average DevOps engineer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

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