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Topic: hiring tips and insights

10 proven strategies from CTOs for remote tech hiring and onboarding

What does remote hiring and onboarding look like practically? Here are tried and tested strategies from CTOs that have successfully done both.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: salaries

eCommerce Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior eCommerce developers earn in South Africa. Find the average eCommerce developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Practical strategies to future-proof technical assessments against AI and more

Get key insights to adapt your tech assessment approach in response to shifts in the market and technological developments such as AI.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 14 August

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we look at why developers leave a role, strategies for retaining them, and the differences between talent marketplaces and other hiring methods.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Cloud Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior cloud developers earn in South Africa. Find the average cloud developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Data Analytics Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior data analytics developers earn in South Africa. Find the average data analytics developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

5 Developer hiring methods compared to talent marketplaces

Thinking of using a talent marketplace to hire developers? Here's how it compares to 5 other hiring methods, to help guide your decision.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: salaries

Azure Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior Microsoft Azure developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Azure developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How Albatros built a tech team from scratch by hiring 10 developers on OfferZen in 6 months

The SaaS company Albatros rapidly scaled their tech team from scratch using OfferZen, hiring 10 developers in 6 months. Here's how.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: salaries

Google Cloud Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior Google Cloud developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Google Cloud developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

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