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Topic: hiring tips and insights

[Downloadable Report] Management red flags that kill retention

Get a data-driven guide on creating the management styles that will help you win at scaling your team and retaining developers in South Africa.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 16 October

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we give you a sneak peek at data from our latest Dev Nation Survey, explore how you can craft a remote policy that helps you attract South African developers, and what it costs to hire a Java developer in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 9 October

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we look at what AI’s rapid developments means for your scaling your team, how OfferZen is using AI to make creating company profiles easier than ever, and what software developers earn in South Africa.

by offerzen

Topic: hiring tips and insights

[Downloadable Guide] How to craft a remote work policy that attracts South African developers

Get a data-driven guide on crafting a remote work policy that will help you win at hiring and retaining developers in South Africa.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 2 October

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we look at AI’s popularity among developers and its implications for technical assessments, why Python is the most wanted language in 2023 and what Python developers earn in South Africa.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 25 September

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we look at why it can be challenging hiring developers with niche skills, what Go developers earn in South Africa, and how xneelo managed to scale their tech team with OfferZen.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 18 September

We look at how an undesirable tech stack can cost you developers, the languages South African developers are most excited to work with and what that means for their employability.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How xneelo accessed and hired top-skilled developers in South Africa on OfferZen

Here’s how xneelo made 26 hires in South Africa using OfferZen, while significantly saving on hiring costs.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How MatchWornShirt streamlined developer hiring and made 5 key hires with OfferZen

Here's how MatchWornShirt used OfferZen to ramp up their developer hiring, making 5 hires and saving on hiring costs with a subscription.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 11 September

We look at why your interview process matters, what developers appreciate and want from yours, and the premiere of OfferZen’s TypeScript’s Origins documentary.

by Josh Nel

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