Topic: tech insights
Top 7 Guides on Using React and Angular
Most developers want to work with React and Angular - but don’t yet! Here are our top guides on React and Angular from the blog to help you get started.
by Marcelle van Niekerk
Less noise, more data. Get the biggest data report on software developer careers in South Africa.
Topic: tech insights
Most developers want to work with React and Angular - but don’t yet! Here are our top guides on React and Angular from the blog to help you get started.
by Marcelle van Niekerk
Topic: tech insights
AI and cloud engineering are the most exciting industries for developers in 2021. Here are some of our top posts from the blog to kick-start your learning.
by offerzen
Topic: tech insights
Michael shares the step-by-step process he followed to set up a temperature sensor system for home-brewed beer using the Telegram bot API and IoT tech.
by Michael White
Topic: tech insights
Here's how Ushik's team built a wealth projection platform for better short-term spending habits at a hackathon we ran with the Programmable Banking Community.
by Ben Blaine
Topic: tech insights
At a Programmable Banking Community hackathon, Renen shares how his team built a transaction management system to help businesses control the use of their Inves...
by Ben Blaine
Topic: tech insights
Here's how Michiel's team built a solution for companies to better manage team spending at a hackathon we ran with the Programmable Banking Community.
by Ben Blaine
Topic: tech insights
Here's how Anri's team built a Slack app for better spending habits at a hackathon we ran with the Programmable Banking Community.
by Ben Blaine
Topic: tech insights
We implemented Elasticsearch to make it easier for companies to find their ideal candidates on the OfferZen platform. Here's how we did this and what we learned...
by Ethan Marrs
Topic: tech career insights
Richard Bailey, Executive VP of Engineering at Entersekt, built a new team structure around their product architecture. Here's how, and why he did that.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: tech insights
Tech transformations are a big undertaking. Sadhana Gopal, Engineering Manager at Independer, explains how measuring the value helps tech teams stay agile.
by Jomiro Eming
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