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Top 6 Articles on AI and Cloud Engineering

15 April 2021, by offerzen

The community has spoken: AI and cloud engineering are by far the most exciting industries for developers in 2021.

If you are interested in learning more, see what others in the field are doing or even want to dabble in the field yourself, here are some of our top posts from the blog to kick-start your learning:

DIY: Growing Chilli-Plants with an Augmented Reality System, Dries Cronje

When we look at technologies in isolation, their potential seems limited. Combine them, however, and the possibilities grow exponentially: A simple project in Dries' living room that grows chilli plants is a perfect case study of how you can leverage the power of big data and the cloud to integrate technology in your physical world. We will go through each part making up the system and at the end combine them to create an augmented reality system.

Using Cloud Native to Reduce Complexity, Brendan Ardagh, DigsConnect

DigsConnect is a small tech startup that helps students find affordable student accommodation with minimum mindshare. This means they work with sensitive personal data, from students to institutions, and need quick experimentation to accommodate each customer’s specific issues and needs as they arise. Brendan Ardagh, DigsConnect’s CTO and co-founder, says that rapid-prototyping on cloud native gave his team the ability to handle data securely, and run experimentation quickly and safely.

Robots and Their Future in Our World, Ashi Krishnan, Apollo

Robots, machines and artificial intelligence are becoming more prevalent in our world today. Ashi Krishnan is a senior software engineer at Apollo, but has given numerous talks around the world on robots, neural-mapping, and how they learn to learn like we do.

Ashi sat down with us and chatted around some of things that make machines really scary, and really exciting. Here’s what she thinks about the world with robots, and what she means when she says “technology is a mirror.”

How Tangent Solutions Used RPA and AI to Speed up COVID-19 X-Ray Screening, Glen Ansell

Glen Ansell, Intelligent Automation Lead, and his team at Tangent Solutions worked on a project whereby they used artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) to help speed up x-ray screening for potential COVID-19 cases. In order to build an effective solution, though, Glen’s team had to make sure their solution was non-invasive, rolled-out quickly, and built robustly without room for error.

In this conversation, Glen outlines the project’s problem statement, the technical requirements, the unique challenges and constraints his team faced, and how they approached their solution given their specific context.

Quick Guide: Introducing AI To Your Company, Dries Cronje

AI is mature enough to add value to most industries. However, introducing it to your company can be quite daunting because there are no off-the-shelf-solutions or silver bullets. Dries has been through the same scenario a few times and has taken notes. Here’s a three-stage process that will get you started.

How to Develop a Self-Driving Car in Under a Week, Jason Webster

Self-driving cars are a major topic of interest in automobile research, because they’re safer and more fuel-efficient. As a machine-learning hobbyist intrigued by self-driving cars, Jason has always wanted to build one himself in a simulated environment. By using the power and accessibility of deep-learning, he achieved this in under a week. In this article, he demonstrates the value of deep-learning by explaining how he did it and how others can reproduce this too.

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