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Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Making Programmable Banking Easier for Everyone

An easy to use web-interface solution for programmable banking, helping non-technical account holders to set up their own bank card rules quickly.

by Nick Benson

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Make Rewarding Employees Easy and Fun

How a hackathon solution helps businesses reward employees and demonstrates the power of programmable banking with automated transactions.

by Nick Benson

Topic: tech insights

AI and IoT Meetups in the Netherlands

Do you love building iOT projects in your living room or automating all the things? Here are some local meetups for inspiration!

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Transparent Rewards for Open-Source Contributors

Many developers are keen to get involved in open-source projects, but it’s hard to get recognised for their efforts. A Programmable Banking hackathon team has a solution. Here’s how it works...

by Nick Benson

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Don’t Get Caught Out by Expiring Subscriptions

At our Programmable Banking hackathon, Anri Goosen and her team shared their project Snitch, which helps to update credit card info on multiple platforms.

by Nick Benson

Topic: tech career insights

The Earning Potential of South Africa’s Most Desired Backend Languages 2021

We looked at what South African developers earn across different backend programming languages. Here are our findings.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Building Better Financial Awareness

Here's how Adam's team built a platform where users can securely review transactions, manage budgets, and compare their spend to others.

by Nick Benson

Topic: tech career insights

Netherlands Meetups for Women in Tech

Do you want to find tech events for women to connect, broaden your network and learn new skills? Here's a list of meetups in the Netherlands!

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: tech insights

How Iress Built Systems to Encourage Connection and Recognition Remotely

Iress has implemented strategies to boost connectivity and recognition while working remotely. Here's how they're doing this.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech insights

How African Alliance Automated Expense Allocation to Save Time and Costs

African Alliance has used programmable banking to effectively allocate team spending. Kevin Boshoff explains how their software team did this.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

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