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Topic: tech insights

Programming on the Ethereum Blockchain

Of all blockchain projects, Ethereum is by far my favourite because it puts the power of the blockchain in the hands of regular developers. Here's why that's ex...

by Wogan May

Topic: tech insights

Why a lean UX mindset makes for better software products

Phil Barrett has been in the industry for many years and knows that UX designers still have to justify what they do and why it matters.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Start(up) Reading

Building something completely new without proper guidance can be really scary - it certainly was for us. The following books however have proven invaluable.

by Malan Joubert

Topic: Uncategorised

We Built an Awesome Feed of Local Tech Meetups and Conferences

Exciting news: We’ve launched events.offerzen.com! It’s a curated schedule of the best local tech events and speakers that you can add to.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: Uncategorised

Announcing New Roles: Design, Data Science and Product Management

OfferZen will now not only help developers but also UI and UX designers, QA testers, scrum masters, product owners and data scientists to find great jobs!

by Philip Joubert

Topic: tech career insights

This is How Long it Takes Developers to Get Hired

To analyse the time it takes a developer to find the job they want, we compared the time related to different aspects of a dev’s job search on OfferZen.

by Harry Hands

Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 Tips on How to Engage Developers During Your Hiring Process [Video]

The way you treat people can make or break your hiring process. That’s why we made communication the focus of this video.

by Danté Nel

Topic: tech insights

Bringing High-Tech Public Health Solutions to Low-Tech Environments

Jembi delivers high-tech public health solutions to low-tech environments: Developing health information systems, they also train staff to sustainably maintain ...

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

The 3 Tiers of Blockchain Applications: Currency, Tokens, Infrastructure

Custos explains the current landscape of blockchain applications by distinguishing between three tiers: currencies, tokens and decentralised infrastructure.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Hiring Developers: Why a Candidate's Experience Matters

Companies want the best developers on their teams. But often, they only end up hiring the best of the worst. Here are our tips on how to avoid that.

by Brett Jones

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