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Topic: tech insights

How to Enable Cross-Continental Collaboration for Tech Teams

As more companies become remote friendly, what do teams need to be aware of? Here's how we collaborate between Cape Town and Taipei.

by Bevan Williams

Topic: tech insights

Game Programming Inspires My Software Development

Although I'm currently building applications in the financial space, I often find useful solutions in game engines. Here are four examples.

by Justin Worthe

Topic: tech career insights

Developer Salaries: Trends Amongst Top Earners

How do some developers manage to out-earn the rest? We’ve looked at the top 5% of highest earning developers to find interesting insights on trends and demand.

by Trinka Mynhardt

Topic: tech career insights

Fighting the Imposter Syndrome: Lessons from a Self-Taught Developer

Being a self-taught developer can be scary and intimidating. For me, skipping university turned out to be the right choice anyways: Here’s what I learned.

by Arrie Pieterse

Topic: tech insights

Prioritise Like You Mean It

Once we have estimated the time and cost for our software project, how do we decide what to build first? Here's a simple method based on the value, cost and risk of a feature.

by Juan Urrego

Topic: tech insights

DIY: Growing Chilli-Plants with an Augmented Reality System

A simple project in my living room that grows chilli plants is a perfect case study of how you can leverage the power of big data and the cloud to integrate technology in your physical world.

by Dries Cronje

Topic: tech insights

Literate Programming: Empower Your Writing with Emacs Org-Mode

Literate programming can make your programming more expressive and give your writing the powers of your favourite programming language. Here's how it works.

by Justin Worthe

Topic: tech insights

Want to Build Your Own Chatbot? Here's How We Got Started

Building chatbots doesn't have to be scary. We've built a banking assistant with voice interface - all without special training! Here's how we did it and what we learned.

by Simon van Dyk

Topic: tech career insights

Estimating Software Projects’ Time and Cost Like a Pro

Only 3 out of 10 projects finish on time and budget & only 10% of big projects survive at all! Here's how to estimate your project's time and cost like a pro.

by Juan Urrego

Topic: tech career insights

Expert Guide on How to Make a Badass UI/UX Portfolio

Portfolios are the one thing allowing UI/UX designers to stand out - even more so than CVs. Here are the tips from experts at Dropbox, InVision and Glucode.

by Marike Brown

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