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Topic: tech insights

Building a CI/CD pipeline for mobile app deployment

It used to be difficult to set up CI/CD pipelines for mobile apps. With new tools, it's now possible. JJ Niemand explains how he did it.

by JJ Niemand

Topic: tech insights

Creating the Trac board: Agile Board Synchronization

My team's scrum board does not only automatically synch with its digital version, it also triggers stage-relevant actions that help us minimize admin. Here's how we did that.

by Jose Pita

Topic: Uncategorised

Announcing: OfferZen for Freelancers

Weโ€™re setting out to create a platform where freelancers can grow and find great jobs, while minimising the other hard things that come with the freelance life.

by Stephen van der Heijden

Topic: tech career insights

How I Maximised Efficiency to Avoid Working Overtime

To avoid working overtime, I had to improve my efficiency. I will discuss some of the challenges that reduced my efficiency and how I overcame them.

by Shalina Naicker

Topic: tech career insights

9 Lessons From a Failed Startup

We got into accelerator program in Barcelona, Spain. Five months later, I was back on the job market. Here's what I learned about startups the hard way.

by Jeff Jenkinson

Topic: tech career insights

Dealing with Decision Fatigue as a Startup Founder - The Infinite List

Starting a business comes with obvious hard things like hiring and long hours. How does one deal with the less obvious ones like anxiety and decision fatigue?

by Larissa Pienaar

Topic: tech career insights

Undercover UX: Creating a User Research Culture From Scratch

Regular user testing is essential to any product development, but can be hard to incorporate into the development process. Here's how I started from scratch.

by Cara Winterbottom

Topic: tech career insights

How I Get the Most Out of Hackathons

Hackathons are great opportunities for learning and growth. To tap into this, you need to consider things carefully. Here are my strategies.

by Jo Pearl

Topic: tech insights

How I Ensure Cross-Browser Compatibility

South Africans browse the web in a range of different ways. I will explain the obstacles to creating an engaging experience and how I overcame them.

by Dieter Buntzen

Topic: tech insights

How I use Jupyter Notebooks as a sandbox for building visualisations

Jupyter Notebooks let me combine live visualisation code with my notes in a single, interactive document. Here's how I got started with it, step by step.

by Shiraaz Moollatjie

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