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Topic: tech career insights

Key Lessons from Tech Founders at Startup Stories

It's one thing to build awesome software, but entirely different territory turning this into a successful business. Tech founders share their learnings at our event.

by Robyn Luyt

Topic: tech insights

Switching from Native to Progressive Web Apps - and When I Wouldn’t

Native apps and Progressive Web apps each have their pros and cons. Here's why my startup decided to switch from one to the other, and when each is useful.

by Kgotsofatso Kgang

Topic: tech insights

How I Added Let'sEncrypt SSL to a Google Kubernetes Engine Application

In this post, I’ll show, step-by-step, how I went about setting up SSL for an ingress controller through a Google Kubernetes Engine-hosted web application.

by Lunga Sizani

Topic: tech insights

How to Develop a Self-Driving Car in Under a Week

As a machine-learning hobbyist intrigued by self-driving cars, I used deep-learning to build one in a simulated environment in under a week. Here's how.

by Jason Webster

Topic: tech insights

A Tester's Guide to Unit Testing

This article explains unit testing while providing tips that ensures both testers and developers deliver higher quality code.

by Craig Risi

Topic: tech career insights

Does the Early Bird Really Catch the Worm? Choosing the Right Shift

Choosing the right work shift is key in setting yourself up for success. After experimenting in a few different roles, here is what works best for me.

by Channel Lawton

Topic: tech career insights

Rediscovering My Passion for My Career as a Dev

As a dev that was feeling unchallenged at work, I needed to reignite my passion for my career. This is what I've learned through making this journey.

by Ahmed Tikiwa

Topic: tech career insights

How OfferZen Uses a Mission Framework to Power Up on Transparency

In the dynamic startup world, it can be difficult to maintain order in the chaos. Here's how we use a mission framework to keep everyone on the same page.

by Robyn Luyt

Topic: tech career insights

Mapping Out Your Dev Skills

Soft skills are important as a developer, but are not often practised. Here's how to map out the skills you need at each level of your development career.

by Brandon Pearman

Topic: tech insights

How to Set Up an Angular Structure for Your App

Picking up new tech can be simple and powerful. State management helps move cluttered state to a single store. Here's how you can get started with Redux.

by Albert Janse van Rensburg

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