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Topic: tech career insights

What I Learned From Interviewing For A New Job

Getting rejected is an inevitable part of job hunting, but it turned out to be much harder than I expected. Here's how I learnt to deal with it.

by Petrus Kruger

Topic: tech career insights

Common Problems During Scrum Adoption And How to Overcome Them

There are still many problems and failures during the adoption and implementation of Scrum. I will discuss how to identify and categorise these problems.

by Ridewaan Hanslo

Topic: tech insights

Simulating The Right Thing: Property-Based Testing

Property-based testing works great in a small set of situations, such as my tower defence game bot. Here's how I made sure that my bot was simulating valid moves.

by Justin Worthe

Topic: tech insights

What We Learned From Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is great for growing your skill set and applying your mind to problems. These are our key learnings from prototyping an isiZulu chatbot.

by Mark Jones and Mike Harrison

Topic: tech career insights

Reflections of a Former Developer Trying Hard Not to Be Called a Manager

It’s nothing new for a techie to move into a leadership role. Here are some of the challenges I faced, and how I changed my thinking and behaviour.

by Neil MacKellar

Topic: tech insights

Why I’m excited about Self-Sovereign Identity

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) promises to solve a bunch of security problems. Here’s how I’ve made sense of it for myself — and why I’m excited about it.

by Phillip Gibb

Topic: tech insights

How Playing Games Inspires My Software Development

Playing games is directly useful to my job as a software developer. Here's how.

by Jacob Clarkson

Topic: tech career insights

My Strategy to Beat Procrastination

Procrastination can be quite a big problem for software developers facing difficult or new tasks. Here are the techniques that helped me overcome it.

by Johan Heymans

Topic: tech insights

OfferZen Bug Refactoring: How We Implemented A Triage Process

Our old process for handling bugs at OfferZen wasn’t optimised, so we set out to design and implement a new bug-solving process. Here's what we learned.

by Clive Corbishley

Topic: tech insights

Mob Programming Memoirs: Agile Collaboration On Steroids!

How can developers solve problems collaboratively? Mob programming is an interesting way to solve this. Here's what I learned from two years of mobbing.

by Riaan Nel

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