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Topic: Uncategorised

The Future of Work: Sparking an Innovative Culture

Company culture is an important topic and driver for success in any tech business. But whose responsibility is it to create a healthy work culture, and how do they do that?

by Candice Grobler

Topic: tech career insights

How Agile Has Empowered Me as a Developer

Sivu has seen first-hand how useful the Agile Methodology can be in empowering tech teams. Here, she shares how using Agile has helped her grow as a dev.

by Summer Smith

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Lee Watts, Travelstart: Data-Driven Interviews & Human Bias in Hiring

Travelstart removes human biases from hiring by using a data-driven interview process. Listen to my chat with Lee Watts about making it effective.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

A Tech Team’s Lessons in Moving From Digital to Analogue Tooling

In the tech industry, it's easy to default to digital solutions. However, WeAreMonsters went all analogue to bring back team communication. Here's how.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: Uncategorised

Top Insights: Talking Culture with Tech CEOs

A good company culture can be a powerful tool in succeeding in the tech space. Tech CEOs told us about how they nurture a healthy company culture.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: tech career insights

6 Tips to Improve the Things You Can Control in an Interview

No matter how many interviews you’ve been to, they're always stressful. I've learned how to focus on the things you do control, to make them less stressful.

by Ewald Horn

Topic: tech career insights

4 Tips For Communicating Technical Ideas to a Non-tech Audience

Communicating technical stuff to a non-tech audience can be hard. This is what I've learned about doing it well when giving a talk or writing a blog post.

by Jason Webster

Topic: tech career insights

How To Win at Working in a Distributed Team

Working in a distributed team can make communication and collaboration really hard. In this article, I share what I've learned about winning 'remotely'.

by Sander Voorwinden

Topic: tech insights

Sedan to Supercar – Code Optimisation (Part 2)

Once you've got a solid architecture, you'll want to work on optimising your code. Craig shares some tips on what to do to make your code run super fast!

by Craig Risi

Topic: offerzen updates

OfferZen Foundation: Exploring Enablers for Workplace Diversity

Talking about diversity can be hard. OfferZen Foundation assembled a community group, to discuss common enablers SA tech companies leverage for diversity.

by Jomiro Eming

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