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Topic: tech insights

Jeremy Edberg, MinOps: Lessons in Automating Netflix’s Alert System

During his time at Netflix, Jeremy Edberg set up an automated alert system to notify engineers of site outages. He discusses its features and its impacts.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Katrina Kibben, Three Ears Media: How to Break Tech Hiring Rules

Tech talent is in high demand. To stand out from other recruiters, Katrina Kibben says it’s critical to break traditional recruiting rules. Here's how.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

MERGE Presentation: Adrian Moisey on Building the Tech Ecosystem Through Events

An event is an opportunity for sponsors and attendees to deliver and share a message other people can benefit from. This talk focuses on practical steps to maxi...

by Candice Grobler

Topic: tech insights

MERGE Presentation: Paul Mesarcik on How Lumkani Builds Tech that Drives Social Impact

At MERGE conference, Paul Mesarcik, Lumkani, discusses the challenges involved in growing a hardware focused startup creating social impact in South Africa.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: Uncategorised

Themba Chakela, DimensionData: Why HR Best Practices Don’t Work in Tech

Themba Chakela has worked between HR and tech, and has learnt that HR best practices don't stack up as neatly in tech. He discusses how he works around it.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

Marlon Parker, RLabs: Tech Solutions Built by a Community, for a Community

Through tech skills training in underserved communities, RLabs empowers those who 'live' the problem to build sustainable tech solutions with real impact.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

Dean Broadley, Designing Humans: Why Self-Awareness Builds Better Tech

Dean Broadley, CEO of Designing Humans, shares why self-awareness is more important than coding ability, and the impact it has on building better tech.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: offerzen updates

Report: State of South Africa's Developer Nation 2019

What are developers earning? How do they keep their skills sharp? And what are the most popular programming languages? Find out in our first-ever report!

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech career insights

Adrian Moisey, Salesloft: How DevOpsDays Sets up Value

Adrian Moisey, one of DevOpsDays Cape Town organiser, has learned that the conference setup affects the value it creates. This is what his team focuses on.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

Brendan Ardagh, DigsConnect: Using Cloud Native to Reduce Complexity

DigsConnect CTO, Brendan Ardagh, says cloud-native helped his team develop faster, cheaper, more securely, with more autonomy, and a better user experience.

by Jomiro Eming

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