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Topic: tech insights

How To Reduce Code Complexity

It's easier than we'd like to admit for code to get complex and difficult to keep up with. Brandon talks about what makes it complex and how to avoid this.

by Brandon Pearman

Topic: tech insights

Here's Why You Don't Need Blockchain

Blockchain is popular but a lot of people don't really understand how it works. Herman explains this and points out where using different systems is better.

by Herman Martinus

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How You Can Hire Better In Tech: Access vs Supply

We often say SA tech talent is in short supply. But Gavin Rossouw says the problem is actually "access". He shares tips to max-out hiring for better access.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

Top Tips You Missed at Cape Town’s First ‘Office Manager Meetup’

Office Managers are important, but our job doesn't really have a ‘how to.' This makes it hard; so, I met up with other OMs and put together some top tips!

by Zsa Perry

Topic: offerzen updates

OfferZen Foundation Update: The Next Piece of the Puzzle

It’s been a while since we’ve spoken about OfferZen Foundation! Here's what we've learned so far, and what the next 'piece of the puzzle' looks like.

by Tumi Sineke

Topic: tech career insights

A Great Investor Relationship: The Key to Startup Success

Meeting an investor who shares your vision is key for lasting success. Here's how Alexandria learnt this while fundraising for her startup, DigsConnect.com.

by Summer Smith

Topic: tech insights

Configuring “Effect”-ive Communication with Angular, ngRx and SocketIO

With Redux set up, you now need changes made by the outside world to be communicated to your frontend. This tutorial helps you configure that communication.

by Albert Janse van Rensburg

Topic: Uncategorised

Why There’s No Diversity Without an Inclusive Mindset

Our latest panel discussion revealed that, to make our industry more inclusive, we need to start by changing the way we think about our team’s diversity.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: Uncategorised

OfferZen’s Mission Explained: How We’re Helping People Unlock Their Potential

Our mission at OfferZen is to help people unlock their potential. Here's how we've been tackling it over the last three years.

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech career insights

What Companies Can Do To Keep Their Tech Teams Happy

People in tech want more than just high pay-checks. Here, Cornelia unpacks what other factors people in this industry want to keep them happy at work.

by Cornelia van der Walt

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