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Thousands of developers are levelling up their careers through fun tech challenges, actionable content, and mentorships.
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We invest the revenue from our jobs platform into building a community that helps devs level up

At OfferZen’s core, we’re passionate about connecting software developers to each other and to exciting opportunities:
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We help developers grow their skills and have fun with a like-minded community of developers.
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Content for developers, by developers

We partner with the developer community to produce relevant, quality career content that helps you stay ahead.
“The podcast allowed me to share my knowledge. It has been a great feeling to know that I was able to inspire other developers and possibly improve them to become a better engineer.”
Lead Mobile Developer - Antoine van der Lee
WeTransfer company logo
Photo of Antoine van der Lee
What career growth means to developers:
Challenging projects
Using new languages & frameworks
Mentorship or coaching
Source: State of Developer Nation Reports

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OfferZen is a tech talent marketplace founded by developers for developers. Our platform matches top software talent with exciting opportunities at companies in South Africa and Netherlands.
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