æternity envisions a future based on open-source, public blockchain 3.0 technology empowering billions. It is a vision that is being realized by a global community of believers, convinced in the disruptive potential of scalable, public blockchain technology.
æternity is disrupting existing online and offline interaction models and help billions of people benefit from a global sharing economy based on decentralized systems and individual merit.
From a technological point of view, æternity is a decentralized æpps platform that scales through state channels, running smart contracts off-chain. It introduces a new language that supports formal verification and allows to write simpler, safer code. The VM also accommodates compiled Solidity contracts. æternity uses an ASIC-resistant, memory-bound Proof-of-Work with less than 15 seconds block time. It features an integrated naming system and oracles, which could be used to request and access data from various data providers.
Most importantly, all components are native features of the æternity system. They are not meta layers on top of a blockchain (like Lightning, Raiden, Oraclize, etc.), but parts of the core protocol. This ensures unmatched efficiency and significantly reduces the cost of running smart contracts and making lightning fast transactions.
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