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Topic: tech insights

How investment and dilution works in startups

This is the second post in our Startup Equity in South Africa [https://www.offerzen.com/blog/startup-equity-in-south-africa-1] series. Please comment below to let us know what you'd like to see in the next one! The first time I received investment I was totally lost and pretty scared. There was a huge sum of money at stake, and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. The final documents from the investors totalled more than 150 pages of what seemed to me like indecipherably dense legalese. I sp

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech insights

Startup Equity in South Africa

Equity is one of the most important factors when developers choose a new job. The idea of getting “upside” in your work, where you make lots of money if the company wins big, is tantalising to anyone. Unfortunately how startup equity works in South Africa is complex and the most important information is not publicly available. We’re doing a multi-part series on startup equity, to make the best practises in South Africa more transparent. We want to help employees and companies understand how equ

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech insights

How Instagram does 40+ daily deployments

The OfferZen development team are attending ScaleConf this year. There were many excellent talks, but one that inspired us particularly was Michael Gorven’s talk on Continuous Delivery at Facebook. We took home a number of lessons we plan on applying at OfferZen. Michael is a production engineer at Facebook (on the Instagram team) and he shared how his team deploys backend code 40 times a day, to millions and millions of users. Michael Gorven https://github.com/mgorven The Instagram team run

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech insights

Coworking spaces in South Africa

tl;dr We built www.coworkingsa.co.za [https://www.coworkingsa.co.za/], a site that aggregates coworking spaces in South Africa. We need a bigger office When we launched OfferZen [https://www.offerzen.com/] in December we used our apartment as the office. For the most part this worked fine, but in January we started growing the team and realized we needed to find real offices. We didn’t want to tie ourselves into a long term rental contract, and someone had the idea of finding a private offic

by Philip Joubert

Topic: tech insights

Rise of the programmers - why power is shifting to developers

I spent the past year in Silicon Valley and got to experience ground zero for tech innovation. It made me worried about the future of tech in South Africa.

by Malan Joubert

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