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Topic: tech insights

Why 2U spent R1.38 billion to acquire GetSmarter

Nasdaq-listed digital education platform 2U recently acquired Cape Town based GetSmarter for R1,38 billion. OfferZen met with 2U’s COO Susan Cates.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Meeting John Hill - The man behind GetSmarter's Tech Strategy

OfferZen sat down with GetSmarter CIO John Hill to discuss the company culture and his personal management philosophy.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Giraffe’s Mobisite Links Workers and Jobs

Giraffe is a platform that streamlines recruitment. With a feature phone jobseekers can create a CV on the lightweight mobisite, free of charge.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

The Music Blogging Industry has a One-Stop Shop: SubmitHub

Jason Grishkoff's SubmitHub flips the old model of submitting songs to music blogs on its head: Artists now have direct access to music blogs.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Leadhome Changes The Way We Are Buying And Selling Homes

Leadhome is a commission-free, 24/7 web service that brings transparency into the real estate agency market. OfferZen chats to Marcél du Toit & John Murray.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Up in the Cloud - Hyrax Revolutionises Drug-Resistance-Testing

Hyrax Biosciences aims to reduce complex sequencing data to simple and clear reports. OfferZen talked to Co-Founder and Senior Developer Baruch Lubinsky.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Bootstrapper: Rudolph Koegelenberg on CaptureFit

Rudolph Koegelenberg talks about his bootstrapped project, the leaderboard platform CaptureFit that caters to the fitness community.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

I’m not a Bot - I’m a Talent Advisor

Our Talent Advisors get asked this all the time: But indeed, we have a team of actual human beings helping our devs to get the most out of their job search.

by Sally Wehncke

Topic: tech insights

EduOne: A Single Website For All Things Student

With EduOne, CEO Jason Basel and his team have created an online platform aiming to cover every decision point in a student's life, Grade 9 to first job.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Behind The Scenes of SnapScan's Product Team

SnapScan doesn't really need an introduction but who are the people behind the payment magic? OfferZen talked to the Head of Product, Estiaan le Roux.

by offerzen

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