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Topic: tech career insights

How I Got Started With UX Design [Q&A]

It's sometimes hard for new UX designers to figure out how to get started. We asked Nicole Bergstedt from the Thomson Reuters Innovation Lab how she moved into UX and what she's learned so far.

by Nicole Bergstedt

Topic: tech career insights

How I Got Started With Data Visualisation [Q&A]

We humans aren't wired to draw useful conclusions from complex data. Data visualisation helps us get around the problem. Shiraaz Mollatjie, an avid data visualisation enthusiast, shares how he got started with this.

by Shiraaz Moollatjie

Topic: tech insights

Writing Better Code: Why I'm Excited About Laravel [Q&A]

We are asking SA's software makers: What exciting frameworks, architectures or languages currently influence your products, coding and mindsets?

by Richard Klugman

Topic: tech insights

Coding for the Win - How I Built a Tower Defence Bot

Treating programming as a game is great fun. Since my bot did really well at the Entelect's Tower Defence Challenge, I decided to share how I went about it.

by Justin Worthe

Topic: tech insights

Scaling With Bitcoin: Automating Identity Verification

2017's Bitcoin excitement was not an easy win for Luno: Our identification verification didn't scale quite as fast as the bubble. Here's how we solved that.

by Andrew Nash

Topic: tech insights

Deep Work: Introducing Remote Days at Your Company

Deep work requires big blocks of focus time - something hard to come by in most office environments. Here's how we established two weekly off-site days for greater productivity.

by Arrie Pieterse

Topic: tech career insights

Hacking Asynchronous Communication as a Remote Team Member

Understanding and addressing the challenges of asynchronous communication is essential to run distributed teams successfully. Here are my hacks.

by Benita Volkmann

Topic: tech insights

Rebuilding Core Features at OfferZen

Building a solid base for a product can sometimes mean rebuilding core features - a challenging task. Here's how we went about it and what we learned.

by Ethan Marrs

Topic: tech insights

How Games Benefit from UX Testing

The success of any game depends on how engaging, challenging and balanced it is. That's why it's so beneficial to have UX metrics for your testing during development.

by Cara Winterbottom

Topic: tech insights

WebAssembly: Native desktop apps are dead - long live native desktop apps!

What if you want all the perks of a desktop app, but also make it easy to use and share? Here's a quick introduction to WebAssembly and why it's so useful.

by Justin Worthe

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