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Topic: tech insights

How I Built a Trump-related Tweet Sentiment Analysis Tool with ElasticSearch and Kibana

I recently learned how to do sentiment analysis with Python, Elasticsearch and Kibana. To test my new skills, I analysed tweets about Trump.

by Anri Goosen

Topic: tech insights

Prioritise Your Tasks - Cheat Sheet

We've previously published an in-depth guide on prioritisation methods. Here's your TL;DR version with an epic cheat sheet to download!

by Juan Urrego

Topic: tech insights

The Changing Face Of Software Testing: Where Do We Go From Here?

As testers, we've inadvertently erected a bunch of barriers to effective testing. Here's what I think they are and what I've found works to overcome them.

by Charles Brittz

Topic: tech insights

Implementing Versioning and Audit Trails with SQL Server Temporal Tables and .Net Core

Building enterprise software requires audit trail and versioning functionality. We implemented a solution with ASP.NET Core and SQL Server Temporal Tables.

by Ross Jones

Topic: tech insights

The Secret Language of React Application Design

In this article, I share how embracing functional thinking has been of benefit to me while building React applications.

by Robert Herbst

Topic: tech career insights

Automating My Development Environment: Scripting vs. Vagrant

As a backend-developer, my environment is changing with every new project. That's why I decided to automate the build of my development environment. Here's how.

by Angus Mackenzie

Topic: tech insights

Idris: Double-Checking Programs While You are Coding

Most programming errors are only discovered during testing. With Idris, you can check your program's behaviour while you're coding! Here are three use cases.

by Henry Steere

Topic: tech insights

Building a CI/CD pipeline for mobile app deployment

It used to be difficult to set up CI/CD pipelines for mobile apps. With new tools, it's now possible. JJ Niemand explains how he did it.

by JJ Niemand

Topic: tech insights

Creating the Trac board: Agile Board Synchronization

My team's scrum board does not only automatically synch with its digital version, it also triggers stage-relevant actions that help us minimize admin. Here's how we did that.

by Jose Pita

Topic: tech career insights

Undercover UX: Creating a User Research Culture From Scratch

Regular user testing is essential to any product development, but can be hard to incorporate into the development process. Here's how I started from scratch.

by Cara Winterbottom

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