Topic: hiring tips and insights
COVID-19 FAQs: Tech Hiring in a Remote World
Hiring for your team during a global health crisis may seem scary. That's why we asked our account managers to answer your online tech hiring questions.
by Robyn Luyt
Less noise, more data. Get the biggest data report on software developer careers in South Africa.
Topic: hiring tips and insights
Hiring for your team during a global health crisis may seem scary. That's why we asked our account managers to answer your online tech hiring questions.
by Robyn Luyt
Topic: hiring tips and insights
Domina McQuade, Lead Tech Recruiter for Microsoft’s tech and data teams, explains why Microsoft’s interviewing process helps her hire world-class tech talent.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: hiring tips and insights
Tech talent is in high demand. To stand out from other recruiters, Katrina Kibben says it’s critical to break traditional recruiting rules. Here's how.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: tech career insights
Amy has recruited for Microsoft and Google, and says few people realise that hiring is just as challenging for big tech companies. This is her hiring advice.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: hiring tips and insights
Travelstart removes human biases from hiring by using a data-driven interview process. Listen to my chat with Lee Watts about making it effective.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: offerzen updates
Talking about diversity can be hard. OfferZen Foundation assembled a community group, to discuss common enablers SA tech companies leverage for diversity.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: offerzen updates
Talking about diversity can be hard. OfferZen Foundation assembled a community group, to discuss common challenges SA tech companies face towards diversity.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: hiring tips and insights
We often say SA tech talent is in short supply. But Gavin Rossouw says the problem is actually "access". He shares tips to max-out hiring for better access.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: hiring tips and insights
With hiring, there's no “one size fits all” approach. Benny Ou has hired for different contexts, and shares the crucial questions he asks before he hires.
by Jomiro Eming
Topic: hiring tips and insights
Reaching out to developers to interview takes time and effort, but there's no guarantee it will pay off. Here are the basics to consider before you start.
by Robyn Luyt
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