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Topic: tech career insights

How Managerial Experience Affects Dev Salaries

Managers can have a large influence on the overall company output. Devs with managerial experience thus earn a salary premium over those without.

by Harry Hands

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Company perks and what they say about culture

We currently have more than 370 companies on OfferZen, and for this article we investigated the 2500+ perks they’ve listed so far.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: Uncategorised

How we scaled our gifting process

OfferZen launched in November 2015. Since developers are at the very heart of our platform, we thought we'd say thanks with awesome gifts.

by Lhente Strydom

Topic: tech career insights

Developer salaries in Cape Town vs. Johannesburg

Update: We’ve written a 2020 salary article comparing developer salaries in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria. Take a look. [http://www.offerzen.com/blog/developer-salaries-in-cape-town-vs-johannesburg] [http://www.offerzen.com/blog/developer-salaries-in-cape-town-vs-johannesburg] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software developers are one of the most in-demand professionals in South Africa. The average developer’s salary is around R39 298

by Harry Hands

Topic: Uncategorised

How OfferZen hires

We haven’t perfected the process, but we have a strong hiring method now. We’ve added great people to the team who fit their roles and enjoy what they do.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: Uncategorised

Hosting an In-Browser Hacking Challenge

The OfferZen team attended this year’s JSinSA conference. We thought it would be fun to organise a short hacking challenge for hardcore JavaScript coders.

by Malan Joubert

Topic: tech career insights

South African Work Visa for Developers

Software developers can apply for a critical skills work visa. This post explains the requirements of the visa and how to apply with confidence.

by Philip Joubert

Topic: tech insights

How investment and dilution works in startups

This is the second post in our Startup Equity in South Africa [https://www.offerzen.com/blog/startup-equity-in-south-africa-1] series. Please comment below to let us know what you'd like to see in the next one! The first time I received investment I was totally lost and pretty scared. There was a huge sum of money at stake, and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. The final documents from the investors totalled more than 150 pages of what seemed to me like indecipherably dense legalese. I sp

by Malan Joubert

Topic: Uncategorised

Updated the OfferZen UI, we have

Boom! We have just released a completely redesigned version of the OfferZen interface for developers. The redesign has been in the works for some time now, and we've released small updates over the last two weeks, but today we pulled the trigger. Developers now get to see a shiny new version of OfferZen! The previous interface had a number of UX issues which had to be solved, and we wanted to create a distinct visual identity for OfferZen. Meet the new OfferZen Navigation Previously navigati

by Philip Joubert

Topic: tech insights

Startup Equity in South Africa

Equity is one of the most important factors when developers choose a new job. The idea of getting “upside” in your work, where you make lots of money if the company wins big, is tantalising to anyone. Unfortunately how startup equity works in South Africa is complex and the most important information is not publicly available. We’re doing a multi-part series on startup equity, to make the best practises in South Africa more transparent. We want to help employees and companies understand how equ

by Malan Joubert

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