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Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 Key Things to Get Right in Remote Onboarding

In a remote setup, it's more important than usual to ensure that new-joiners feel well set up for their role. Baadier Sydow shares 3 key things to remember.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech insights

How EXAH Uses Systems Theory to Develop Integrated Tech Solutions

Some technical problems can’t be solved by software alone; they are systemic. Lochner Eksteen, MD at EXAH, explains how Systems Theory builds better tech.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: Uncategorised

How Our Whole Team Played Agar.io Online Together

We've been having a lot of fun organising online events to keep our team connected. Check out how Zsa coordinated over 90 of us playing Agar.io online here!

by Zsa Perry

Topic: hiring tips and insights

4 Hiring Strategies Luno Uses to Set Realistic Candidate Expectations

This article unpacks some strategies Luno uses to be upfront and honest during their hiring process, and why that serves them better in the long run.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: Uncategorised

Tech Community Chats: How Meetups are Adjusting to Connect During Lockdown

In this chat we discussed challenges that local meetup organisers are encountering during lockdown, and how they’re adjusting now to add value remotely.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: Uncategorised

How We Ran a Virtual ‘Murder Mystery’ Team Event

We didn't want to let remote work get in the way of team bonding, so our Events team set up a completely online murder mystery event. Here's how!

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: tech career insights

How I Transitioned from a Desk Job to Full-time Freelancing

Before leaving his full-time job, Dominic spent a few months taking steps that would set him up to win as a freelancer. Check out what he did here.

by Dominic Santo

Topic: Uncategorised

How to Set Up Video Conferencing on Zoom for Your Entire Team

When our team went remote, we chose Zoom as our primary video conferencing tool. Here are some tips to set it up effectively for your whole company.

by Louise Bailey Tait

Topic: resources

Colour In Your Favourite OfferZen Characters!

We've put together a printable colouring-in pack featuring all your favourite OfferZen characters to help the whole family get creative!

by Ciara Mash

Topic: tech insights

4 Lessons Wonga Learned About Rewriting Their System with New Tech

Brandon Pearman and his team at Wonga had to overhaul their system, and write it to new tech. In this article, he shares the lessons they've learned.

by Jomiro Eming

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