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Topic: tech insights

Boxfusion’s MVP Approach for Fast Implementation of Mass COVID-19 Screening

Boxfusion helped the Gauteng Health Dept. systematise mass COVID-19 screenings with tight deadlines and novel problems. Here's how, using an MVP approach.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

How I Put Together a Technical Proposal For a Non-Technical Audience

Presenting a technical solution to different stakeholders in big organisations can be hard. Here's the process Michiel uses to communicate his ideas clearly.

by Michiel van Staden

Topic: tech career insights

How K2 Moved My Internship Online During COVID-19

Esmari has just started an internship at K2 when COVID-19 struck. Here's how they moved her experience online so she could keep learning while feeling supported...

by Summer Smith

Topic: tech career insights

A 3-Step Process to Communicate More Effectively as a Developer

As a dev, communicating in different contexts and with different people is key. Parham Doustdar, Team Lead at Booking.com, shares his 3-step process.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: Uncategorised

How My Team Intentionally Creates Non-transactional Touchpoints

If you feel like all you talk about with your teammates is work while working remotely, check out Candice's tips on how to bring back some of the in-person fun.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: Uncategorised

Malan Joubert: Talking about FinTech, Robots and Economics in the New Normal

We chatted to Malan Joubert about his history in FinTech, how OfferZen is adjusting to the "new normal" and how he is thinking about upcoming opportunities.

by Candice Grobler

Topic: Uncategorised

How to Be On Leave When You Can’t Leave Your House

It's been a long year but taking leave during lockdown isn't appealing. It's important to recharge, so here are some tips on how to take a holiday at home.

by Zsa Perry

Topic: tech insights

How Aerobotics Uses Risk Analysis to Prepare for Crises

Responding to crisis is easier to do when you’ve already planned for it. Amber Freeman, Aerobotics Legal Manager, explains how they use risk analysis to do that...

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

Panel discussion: Prodigy Finance Devs Discuss Parenting Hacks, Working Remotely

Full-time work and full-time parenting, while working from home, is hard. We spoke to Prodigy Finance devs about how they 'parent' while working remotely.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

How to Launch Impactful Employee-Driven Tech Mentoring in 2 Weeks

At OfferZen Foundation, we've developed a mentoring program for software makers across South Africa. Here's how we can kick-start tech mentoring in your compan...

by Tumi Sineke

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