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Topic: tech career insights

Steps I Took to Gain Confidence in My New Role as a Product Owner

Starting in a new role can be scary, especially when you have no previous experience. Here are the steps Gabriela took to settle into her role and gain confidence.

by Gabriela Brant Alves

Topic: tech career insights

How Entersekt Designed Their Team Around Their Product Architecture

Richard Bailey, Executive VP of Engineering at Entersekt, built a new team structure around their product architecture. Here's how, and why he did that.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

How to Land a Tech Job (In a Pandemic)

Our talent advisors Alley and Simone share insights on how COVID-19 has transformed the tech hiring landscape - and what it means for your job search.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: hiring tips and insights

12 Tips for Tech Founders to Win at Early-Stage Hiring

After years of experience hiring people, here are some tips to help level up your hiring process in the early stages of your company’s growth.

by Philip Joubert

Topic: tech career insights

How I Pivoted From Electrical Engineering Grad to Developer

After he graduated, Wium pivoted from electrical engineering to development. Here are the steps he took to do this, and a few tips he picked up along the way.

by Wium Swart

Topic: offerzen updates

Report: 2021 State of the Developer Nation – South Africa

We surveyed over 3 500 developers to bring you South Africa’s largest report on developer careers.

by offerzen

Topic: tech career insights

How I Used Netlify to Get My Online Portfolio Up and Running for Free

Rishal has found that Netlify is a great tool to help developers set up and host online portfolios for free. Here, he shares a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

by Rishal Vallabh

Topic: tech career insights

How to Build a Succession Plan and Make Your Team More Autonomous

In order to make sure her team can thrive even if she's not there, Chiedza Muguti builds a succession plan into her leadership. This is how she does that.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to Use Collaboration to Engage With Devs More Meaningfully

As a tech recruiter, Mark Deubel works really closely with his hiring manager and team to make his reach-out to candidates more meaningful. Here's how.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: Uncategorised

How Make Events Help Us Have Meaningful Community Interactions Remotely

We're running Make Events with the Programmable Banking Community to build connection and have fun remotely. Here's how we're doing it and what we've learnt so far.

by Ben Blaine

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