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Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Card Transaction Management System

At a Programmable Banking Community hackathon, Renen shares how his team built a transaction management system to help businesses control the use of their Inves...

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: Employee Card and Spend Management System

Here's how Michiel's team built a solution for companies to better manage team spending at a hackathon we ran with the Programmable Banking Community.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: A Slack App for Better Spending Habits

Here's how Anri's team built a Slack app for better spending habits at a hackathon we ran with the Programmable Banking Community.

by Ben Blaine

Topic: tech insights

How We Implemented Elasticsearch to Improve OfferZen’s Search Functionality

We implemented Elasticsearch to make it easier for companies to find their ideal candidates on the OfferZen platform. Here's how we did this and what we learned...

by Ethan Marrs

Topic: Uncategorised

Product Update: Finding Better Candidate Matches with Elasticsearch

Our product team has rebuilt OfferZen's search engine to bring hiring companies the best candidate list yet!

by Robyn Luyt

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How To Win At Tech Hiring In SA

At the recent Tech Leadership event, we shared hiring insights from the 2021 State of the Dev Nation Report, digging into reasons tech leaders could miss out on...

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: tech career insights

A Structured Approach to Prioritise Your Developer’s Career Growth

Career growth matters to devs. Julian Springer, Tech Manager at Singular Systems, uses 'contribution sessions' to support holistic growth in his team. Here's ho...

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

Steps I Took to Gain Confidence in My New Role as a Product Owner

Starting in a new role can be scary, especially when you have no previous experience. Here are the steps Gabriela took to settle into her role and gain confiden...

by Gabriela Brant Alves

Topic: tech career insights

How Entersekt Designed Their Team Around Their Product Architecture

Richard Bailey, Executive VP of Engineering at Entersekt, built a new team structure around their product architecture. Here's how, and why he did that.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: tech career insights

How to Land a Tech Job (In a Pandemic)

Our talent advisors Alley and Simone share insights on how COVID-19 has transformed the tech hiring landscape - and what it means for your job search.

by Alexandra Hanson

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