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Topic: tech insights

4 developer-tested ways to get started with project-based learning

Here we look at articles on how developers have utilised project-based learning (PBL) to ‘learn by doing’.

by Chris Booth

Topic: tech insights

How we confidently maintain visibility when switching traffic using Nginx

Here's how we switched traffic using Nginx locations and how we maintained visibility as this transition was happening.

by Rob Burger

Topic: tech insights

3 easy strategies to foster transparency in a team

Here’s how I create a transparent environment by cultivating friendly relationships, getting to know my colleagues, and establishing trust.

by Lorenzo Racchetti

Topic: tech insights

4 key steps ITONICS took to implement Machine Learning models within their product

To successfully integrate Machine Learning models into your product, you need to follow a few key steps — here's a guide from the team at ITONICS.

by Tim Terblanche

Topic: tech career insights

How I effectively network at events to build my developer career

These are the steps I take to network effectively at tech events and how it's helped my developer career.

by Sibabalwe Qamata

Topic: tech insights

How I maximise web app performance with Astro and Preact

Here I talk about the benefits I've had using Astro and Preact and how they've enabled me to create high-performance web applications.

by Rose Akoth

Topic: tech insights

Prompts to practice your developer interview using ChatGPT

Here are some prompts that you can use to practice your interviewing skills with ChatGPT.

by Chris Booth

Topic: tech insights

My 5 Cs of productive tech teams

Teams need to find holistic ways to improve productivity and happiness. Here I will go over five principles I've seen help teams achieve that.

by Thaís Santos

Topic: tech insights

CouldBe Email: How I used AI to turn meeting agendas into concise email summaries

Here is how I built CouldBe Email, a GPT-based application that creates emails from meeting agendas and topic points.

by Mmontsheng Maoto

Topic: tech insights

12 pieces of advice I wish I knew as a junior developer

Over the years, I have learnt a few things as a developer. Here are some tips and pieces of advice that I wish I had known as a junior developer.

by Nishal Morar

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