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A Software Tester’s Experience with the Benefits of Using Cypress.io

6 August 2020, by Jomiro Eming

Walmyr Lima e Silva Filho is an ex-GitLab software engineer in testing — and, in his experience, developers generally don’t enjoy writing tests: It takes time to write them, and they often fail unreliably, which means spending even more time figuring out why the test failed. However, since using a testing framework called Cypress.io, Walmyr’s tests are not only more reliable, but he spends far less time writing them.

This is a summary of our conversation with Walmyr where he talks about why he likes using Cypress so much. He highlights his experiences with the benefits Cypress has as a testing framework, and some advice on how to get started with it.

Watch the video at the end of this post, or follow along the conversation with the chapter summary below!

If you have any questions on Cypress, get in touch with Walmyr via his website or his LinkedIn. You can also take one of his Udemy courses on Cypress.


Podcast chapters:

[04:34] Skateboarding, and an introduction to Walmyr!

[15:12] What is Cypress.io?

[16:16] Who Cypress.io is built for, and why Walmyr calls it “developer-friendly”

[17:41] What problems it solves for Walmyr, and what it enables him to do

[19:03] “Quality is everyone’s responsibility”: Why devs/testers should try Cypress.io

[28:05] Challenges Walmyr has faced with Cypress.io

[31:11] Approaches to those challenges: “Different tools solve different problems”

[33:33] Using a proof-of-concept before using Cypress.io

[36:05] Walmyr’s advice for how to get started with Cypress.io

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