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Topic: tech career insights

This is How Long it Takes Developers to Get Hired

To analyse the time it takes a developer to find the job they want, we compared the time related to different aspects of a dev’s job search on OfferZen.

by Harry Hands

Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 Tips on How to Engage Developers During Your Hiring Process [Video]

The way you treat people can make or break your hiring process. That’s why we made communication the focus of this video.

by Danté Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Hiring Developers: Why a Candidate's Experience Matters

Companies want the best developers on their teams. But often, they only end up hiring the best of the worst. Here are our tips on how to avoid that.

by Brett Jones

Topic: tech career insights

How Absa Africa Hires Developers: A Look Into Group Assessment Days

Barclays Africa changed their hiring process for developers: instead of following the traditional interviewing method they now have group assessment days.

by offerzen

Topic: tech career insights

Developer Salaries - the Impact of Education on Earning Potential

There are numerous examples of self-taught developers that get well-paid jobs. On the aggregate, however, how does a tertiary education impact a developer’s sal...

by Harry Hands

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to Win at Hiring Software Developers

Hiring quality devs is not easy: demand has outstripped supply, traditional hiring processes aren't geared for this fast-paced reality. These are our tips.

by Danté Nel

Topic: tech insights

An Inside Look at Entersekt’s Approach to Hiring Developers

Entersekt is looking to double their developer team in the next few months. They talked to us about the recent changes they made to their hiring process.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech career insights

Fostering Talent - CodeX on Training the Next Generation of Coders

OfferZen met with the founders of coding programme CodeX, Michael Jordaan and Elizabeth Heathfield, to find out why it is hard to foster SA's talent.

by offerzen

Topic: tech career insights

How to Set Your Hourly Rate as a Contract Developer

Simon Stewart is a freelance developer in South Africa. Here he shares what he has learned about setting an hourly rate and engaging with clients.

by Guest Author

Topic: tech insights

The Developer Languages Driving SA’s Top Companies

We decided to analyse developer languages further. Specifically we were interested to see which types of companies are hiring which languages.

by Harry Hands

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