Developers on OfferZen now have the opportunity to earn up to R10k by helping companies hire great developers. Here’s how you can get involved.
How it works
The rewards
Note: You need to have an OfferZen profile to claim a reward.
Here are the rewards tiers for company referrals:
Tier 1: If one company you referred to OfferZen with Dino Referrer fills in our contact form, you’ll get an OfferZen t-shirt.
Tier 2: If five companies you referred via Dino Referrer fill in our contact form, you’ll get an epic OfferZen gift pack (shirt, stickers, hoodie, the works).
Tier 3: If a company you refer buys an OfferZen unlimited subscription you get:
- €1337 cash for Europe-based companies
- R10 000 cash for South Africa-based companies
Here you can see the reward for inviting your friends to use OfferZen for their next job search:
Inviting friends to join OfferZen to find a job is easy. When you're logged into OfferZen, simply go to your referrals page and enter your friends' email addresses. If you feel weird about sharing your friends' email, you can also use your personal link to spread the word.
To refer a company, you also have two options.
Two ways to refer companies
Chrome extension
TL;DR: The Chrome extension is a plugin that helps you automatically fill in LinkedIn messages with a template text that helps you refer companies to OfferZen. This way, you keep having the template handy when you need it!
Step 1: Add the extension to your Chrome browser.
Step 2: Log in to your OfferZen profile to get your referral code – you will be prompted to give the extension permission to save your referral code.

Step 3: Send a LinkedIn message to someone you know is hiring
You can click the Dino Referrer icon (see below). It’ll pre-fill a response that includes your custom sign up link. If a company you referred this way uses your sign up link, you’ll be notified via email.

Share your link
Step 1: Get your company referral code from your OfferZen referrals page (you need to be logged in)

Step 2: Send to people you know are hiring
If you know that companies are hiring developers, you can share the link with them. By helping them find OfferZen, you’re helping them find great developers like you and enabling them to reach their potential as a business! Be sure to mention that they need to use your link so you get your rewards - we’d hate for you to have helped us out and not be able to tie it back to you.
Step 3: Earn your money or swag!
We use the UTMs to tie the conversions back to you and will let you know once people have signed up or bought a subscription to get you your swag and money!