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COVID-19 Poses a Unique Opportunity for the SA Tech Sector

2 April 2020, by Malan Joubert

COVID-19 will have many effects on our health, on our society and our economy. At OfferZen, we believe that the tech community has the potential and obligation to play a key role in fighting COVID-19 and so does our government: The Presidency has asked us and the tech community to help reduce its impact in SA. We've set up a dedicated team that both identifies community and government projects that can make a difference, and helps drive them to make an impact.

My talk at DevConf Live 2020 elaborated on what is already being done, and how you can help!

Check out the video of the presentation here:

And the audio from the presentation on our podcast:

If you'd like to read more about this initiative, or volunteer to help, take a look at this this article which details the specifics.

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