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Topic: tech insights

How I Used Clean Code to Fix an Unnatural Solution

Here's how I used clean coding principles to fix an unnatural solution that a client had already accepted.

by Carlos Limonggi

Topic: tech insights

Platform45: Automating Corporate Expense Reconciliation

Platform45 automated business expense reconciliation by developing a card spend management solution using Investec’s Programmable Banking APIs.

by Shannagh Hare

Topic: tech career insights

How I Used Technical Assessment Feedback to Ace my Developer Interviews

Here’s how I leveraged the feedback from unsuccessful interviews to improve my technical assessments and find a great job!

by Ana França

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to Negotiate when Hiring Developers

Negotiating salary offers doesn't have to be painful. In this article, I share some tips to help you construct an offer that developers won't turn down.

by Adriaan Venter

Topic: tech career insights

Being a Terrible Technical Leader – The Inversion Mental Model

Looking at what terrible leadership looks like helps me to understand what to avoid at all cost. Here’s how I use the inversion mental model.

by Gys Muller

Topic: tech insights

Run to the Bills: The App That Helps You Save Money While You Exercise

The Run to the Bills app connects Strava with Investec's Transfer API, helping users automatically save money for running shoes. Here's how.

by Shannagh Hare

Topic: tech insights

How I Used Octane to Supercharge my Laravel App

When scaling requests, Laravel slows down significantly. Here’s how I used Octane to solve this and make my app perform 22 times faster.

by Alex Renoki

Topic: tech career insights

Guide to Working and Living in Dublin for Software Developers

In spite of offering promising opportunities for software developers, Dublin tends to fly under the radar. Here's all you need to know.

by Simone Markham

Topic: tech insights

How We Succeed as a Self-managed Team

My team joined a project after it started and needed to catch up. Here’s how we succeeded by becoming a more efficient, self-managed team.

by Andreas Nel

Topic: tech career insights

Template: Melio’s Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) Skills Matrix

Melio created a Machine Learning Operations engineer skills matrix. Here’s our template and how you can use it to guide your engineers' careers.

by Merelda Wu

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