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Topic: tech career insights

How to Run Effective 1-on-1s as a Tech Manager

1-on-1 meetings provide a platform for developers to share ideas and speak freely about their goals. Here are tips from certified coaches on how to run 1-on-1s effectively!

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech insights

Larabelles and Inclusivity in the Laravel community

Zuzana Kunckova and others share the story behind Larabelles and the importance of diversity and inclusivity within the Laravel community.

by offerzen

Topic: tech career insights

How I Graduated from a Coding Bootcamp with a Full-Time Job

As a recent coding bootcamp graduate, here's how I was able to study data science while working full time.

by Luyanda Makoba

Topic: tech insights

Your Own Telegram Banker: A Low-Code Solution That Enables Quick and Convenient Access to Banking Data

Telegrammetry is a programmable banking solution that enables quick and convenient access to financial data from your phone using spreadsheets and Telegram.

by Shannagh Hare

Topic: tech insights

Nuno Maduro Tells the Story of Pest PHP

Nuno Maduro talks about the story behind the creation of Pest PHP, how the name came about and the impact open-source has had on his career.

by offerzen

Topic: tech career insights

Learning Resources that Helped Me as a Self-Taught Developer

As a self-taught Android developer, here are some of the resources I've found most valuable to fill knowledge gaps around software principles.

by Rafael da Silva Ramos

Topic: hiring tips and insights

A Negative Hiring Experience Costs You Developers: Here's What They Want

The majority of developers discontinued a hiring process after a negative experience. Here's what they want from your process.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to Win at Hiring Quality Remote Tech Talent in Africa

In a recent webinar, we unpacked why tech talent in Africa offers a competitive advantage, and how to successfully hire remote developers in Africa.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How Mobiquity Succeeded At Global Expansion

We spoke to Mobiquity's hiring team about their expansion strategy to build a global tech team, and the steps to succeed in new regions.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech insights

Programmable Banking Community: An Easy and Fun Way to Track the Carbon Footprint of Your Spending

Track the environmental impact of your transactions with this easy and fun programmable banking solution. Get tips from known characters as you level up.

by Shannagh Hare

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