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Topic: hiring tips and insights

Why OfferZen Uses an Employer of Record to Hire Developers Across Africa

At OfferZen, we use an Employer of Record to hire software developers across Africa. Here's our step-by-step process for using an EOR to hire software developers.

by Azaria Beukes

Topic: tech career insights

How to Communicate Considerately with Junior Developers

As a senior engineer, here are ways to ensure you’re being more considerate when communicating with junior team members.

by Jethro Muller

Topic: hiring tips and insights

5 Dutch employment practices you need to disclose for happier international hires

If you’re hiring developers from outside the Netherlands, here's what you should communicate about Dutch employment practices to land successful offers.

by Pierpaolo Gobbi

Topic: salaries

Software Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior software developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average software developer salary in 2022.

by Josh Nel

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How Brsk Makes their Fully Remote Job Offers to Developers Stand Out

We spoke to Michael Holmes from Brsk about the most important things to highlight about a remote job offer to successfully hire developers.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech career insights

How to Address A Lack of Technical Knowledge During Your Developer Interview

After a software developer interview where I didn’t fully meet the job requirements, I ended up with a job offer. Here’s how I approached that.

by Trevor Chikambure

Topic: tech career insights

How Companies Made Me Feel Supported as a Woman in Tech

There’s a gender gap in tech. Here’s what the companies I worked at did to bridge this gap and make me feel supported as a woman in tech.

by Ana França

Topic: Uncategorised

Programmable Banking Community: Make Banking More Interactive with Your Own Telegram Bot Banker

Accessing your financial data just became easier with this low-code solution using programmable banking API and Telegram.

by Nick Benson

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Why UK Companies Need Global Talent to Grow Their Tech Teams

Here's how UK companies can grow their tech teams by tapping into global tech talent, saving time and costs in the process.

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: salaries

SQL Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior SQL developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average SQL developer salary in 2022.

by Josh Nel

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