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Topic: salaries

eCommerce Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior eCommerce developers earn in South Africa. Find the average eCommerce developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech insights

6 lessons learned from building a dynamic mathematical modelling language

Developing a mathematical modelling language in my free time was no easy feat. Here is how I created this language and the lessons I learned.

by Ruan Luies

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Practical strategies to future-proof technical assessments against AI and more

Get key insights to adapt your tech assessment approach in response to shifts in the market and technological developments such as AI.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: tech career insights

How to stand out in technical assessments with the rise of AI tools

Here are our tips to stand out in tech assessments considering the rise of AI tooling.

by Simone Markham

Topic: tech insights

How OfferZen integrated AI to save time on employer profile creation

Here is an overview of our AI-powered solution and how it simplifies the process of building engaging company profiles on the OfferZen platform.

by Chama Diksha Ramchurn

Topic: tech insights

5 tools that ship less JavaScript and elevate user experience

Here are the tools I use to ship less JavaScript and improve user experience while maintaining developer experience.

by Kelvin Omereshone

Topic: tech career insights

OfferZen’s Week in Review: 14 August

In this week’s roundup from OfferZen, we look at why developers leave a role, strategies for retaining them, and the differences between talent marketplaces and...

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech insights

Navigating canary deployment in Kubernetes: a cookie vs header approach

Here are two of the ways I use to set up a canary deployment in Kubernetes, one using a cookie and the other using a header.

by Koen Verburg

Topic: tech career insights

AMA with Khaya Mkhwanaz and PyLadies Berlin

Looking to make your next career move in Berlin but not sure where to begin? Here, Khaya Mkhwanaz shares job search tips in an AMA with PyLadies Berlin.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Cloud Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior cloud developers earn in South Africa. Find the average cloud developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

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