2025 Software Developer Salary Benchmarking Report

In this salary report, you'll get exclusive data to benchmark salaries for your developers, including:
Average salaries across key factors like role, location and company size.
Salary averages for niche and widely used tech stacks.
Trends and insights to understand the market's impact on salary figures.
Benchmark competitive, market-related developer salaries

In 2025, it's time to seriously relook how developer salaries are set and benchmarked. Multiple factors influence a developer's salary — experience, skills, location, and even company size.
Despite this many companies are still trying to retrofit traditional salary benchmarking methods to a rapidly evolving industry, making it harder to grow and retain top tech teams. With salary growth continuing to stagnate over the years, the stakes have never been higher.
We’ve analysed salary data from over 3400 developers to bring you a report that provides detailed salary insights into the critical factors that shapes a developer's salary, including their role, location, and more.